The 1st Step !

‘We can’t, Master we’re scared’.
‘Come to the edge ‘, he said
‘We can’t, Master, we’re scared’.
‘Come to the edge’, he said
They came
He pushed them …
They flew.
Freedom is our destiny.
Yet we fear taking the very step which will carry us into the greatness which is our own true nature.
I came across this beautiful apt passage from Brandon bays amazing book ‘The Journey’ just when I have been thinking on this subject for a while.
The 1st step …isn’t it the most difficult yet the same step can take us places we couldn’t have imagined. It can open a whole new world before us. The one we always dream of exploring yet tend to dread taking that very 1st step. I too for years dreaded that very 1st step.I would try to take a step ahead and found myself taking two backwards. Lived in the misery yet didn’t think I had the courage to take the step …Fear of the unknown I guess that pulled me back time and again. It’s funny how we are comfortable with our misery, it’s atleast a known area, a comfort zone of sorts.I was lucky however to be chosen by a Teacher who pushed me to that edge and yes now I feel I have I have learnt to take the flight.It was beautiful journey I am on.Yes at the moment it’s bumpy flight but as I find myself fly ahead flapping my wings with joy. I find myself enjoying a new found freedom. It takes a lot of trust and surrender and that hasn’t been easy either. However this new found freedom is amazing …Freedom from my misery, my painful past, my bottled up anger. Freedom from judgments of of people about me and my own judgments about them. Freedom from pain that others caused me and the pain I caused myself by bearing it for no reason. Freedom from the baseless noisy chatter to a beautiful silence I have begun to experience and enjoying in this moment.
Yes I donot know where this new journey I have embarked upon shall take me. Yet this very 1st step that I took for myself urges me to trust it and seems to promise me a beautiful journey never experienced before.
I too from this experience urge you to trust yourself, the universe or divine intervention and take the this BIG leap with faith, trust and surrender. This one 1st step I assure you will take you miles ahead to a beautiful life you have always dreamt of and always so desired.
long time no hear(read?), and suddenly a deluge of posts, took me half-an-hour just to get through them.
but top class as always. makes me wonder how you people work up the words to write and put down.
seem to get a kind of block everytime i try to pen a piece of prose. seems its not my cup of tea. what i can do though, is to appreciate a good piece of one.
in that regard am short of words having said all i could ever, the only thing left is, wish i could be inside somebody's mind like yours, and see the thoughts as they flow, maybe it would help me understand how sentences form.
btw, if it is not too intrusive, what is this illness you talk about?
Thanx Gupta Ghost …It’s very encouraging to get appreciated for the thoughts I pen down. To be honest I am not writer at all but yes have loads of thoughts that I have been living with all my life, lot of introspection that I have begun to put myself to and that’s where my words flow from. They are straight from my heart and just flow and this expression has become my healing process now. About the illness,…it has hit me out of the blue but I am healing from it at the moment and has changed my perspective to life 360 degree. Send me ur email id will connect better there I guess. :)
Do keep visiting me …It feels good to know people appreciate your thoughts ! :)
at the risk of becoming your personal IMDB, try and get you hands on "Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous"
listen to the Master's dialogue on the terrace. subtitles on if you will.
As passing by today again.a journey with a pathways question makes me .stay on...a while.
Seeing it ,A stirring,Inspiring was reading through .A changed rise. again as u start, u known it,walking it.Well.In way stronger you reached inside you and out to.tooo.amazing.
Also A Warrior,Stronger,Changing ,Arriving,Walking on,Loving Life ,Cleared,Answered.The know,The unknown through Words,Courage, Thoughts,Trust,Binding and Bonding along,hand in hand to experience graces as it unwound itself .
clearly as seen, u walked it alone but U Never journeyed this one alone.Family to friends,masters ,the seen and unseen ,known,the unknowns with u bound all walked, journeyed the way on.attaching U to themselves,To make,A new you.Just amazing you all there .
(hugs )
TO your obvious,New and only question:
Yes I donot know where this new journey I have embarked upon shall take me.?
Answers,Ways.Questions,Can ,Will be many in these walks and journeys as words,thoughts,will pour in and out on Time in journey .
U never to be alone, guided, walks, pathways, journeys with you all bound is....ON.
The walk and the journey ahead. .
A Soul Stearing Experiences now on beaming only lifes,peace,love,joys,graces .
as a pathway.
a walker
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