
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

High on LIFE !!

As they say ‘Expect the unexpected’. That’s exactly what I experienced today, and it was the surely soul stirring. It all began when I received a message from an acquaintance called Abhijit.

Abhijit only re assures my belief about there are 3 kinds of people in our life . One who come for a ‘Reason’ and as the reason (the reason is generally involves self empowerment and growth) is fulfilled they move away, two the ones who are there for a ‘Season’ that may be temprorary but brings joy and learning and the third that last remain for a ‘Life time’that last forever. I have so far in my journey of life met each one of the above. Abhijit from the day I met surely felt was here for a reason but sincerely hope remains for a life time.

We met in Dec 2005 at a party and didn’t know each other at all. Though, I had heard about him from a couple of common friends that we had. What amazed me about his personality was that he looked so much at peace with himself and in a place where people were totally high on alcohol he was the only one who seemed to be ‘High on Life’ and really enjoying the moment. We both discovered a few common interests and felt a strange yet a very strong connection. I guess that’s what they call a Karmic connection. We kept in touch and I always wondered what the secret to his spirits were.

Until today when I got invited to attend a meditation session with a Reki master called Prasad. I reached a bit late but as I entered a small room filled with 20- 30 people mainly youngsters I just felt very comforting vibes. Abhijit and I acknowledge each other and I quietly sat down, As I got comfortable I experienced a strong flow of universal energy flowing from my hands (usually happens to Reki channels, I am one of them though not regular with the practice)

Soon I heard a very humble voice instructing us to close our eyes and started to lead us into meditation. There were very soothing chants that kept playing in the background. The chants were in different languages and had Krishna Hare Krishna mingled in phrases. I couldn’t see the face to the voice that lead the meditation but there were different facets of the persons personality that I could experience …there was stillness, stability , peace , joy , unconditional love, quest, wisdom, pain for ignorance, naughtiness and much more. The voice questioned us about ‘coming home’ it directed us to use our healing powers to heal ourselves, guided us to the path of total surrender ( in fact this bit was my favorite ) and introduced us to our angel who gave us a message too…I received a message that kind of put me to ease and brought a smile on my face. I experienced different emotions , at times I was extremely happy and on a complete high, at times really sad. As I placed my palms at the Heart Chakra I felt a lot of energy flowing from my palms which was a clear indication that I needed to start my practice of Reki to heal myself. The over all experience was very over whelming.

As the session ended I was a peace with myself and felt a joy that cant be explained. As I opened my eyes I was surprised to see the one who lead us into the meditation…Prasad it was, some one really tall, well built and very young( looked barely in his early 30’s). What was amazing about Prasad was the glow on his face, that look of total surrender to life and above all the undying faith of his disciples in his room. He seemed to have touched many lives and guided them to the hidden treasures of happiness and content in life. The room was overflowing with positive energy.

Some people shared what they experienced during the meditation. I too shared my feelings. A young guy shared his close encounter with death on Tuesday as he was in one of the adjoining trains which got affected by the blast. It was very touching and every one in the room felt deep gratitude towards the universe for his safety, that of themselves and loved ones. There was a sense of immense grief for the victims and heart felt prayers. It felt like one big Family. As it was Guru Purnima on Tuesady every one had very lovingly bought gifts for their teacher Prasad. There was a wonderful demonstration of love and affection in the room. I was touched deeply.

As I drove back home I experienced deep stillness, joy, and immense gratitude .I was very quite and with myself but at a lot of peace. I still don’t know why I kept smiling without any reason. It was a wonderful family I had met and intend to slowly but surely become part of this family.

Being ‘High on life’ is surely a wonderful experience and I am confident that thanks to my quest the universe in it’s own miraculous ways is guiding me to the right path to achieve it.


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