Gopal's Birthday Bash !! :-D

Ecstasy…yeah that’s what I would describe my experience today at Little Gopal’s birthday (Lord Krishna). It is the most unique and unplanned Gokul ashatmi celebrations I have ever attended.
As I walked in to Prasad place this morning I didn’t really think I would be able to stay for long as I had to rush back to work. Though I feel healed over these last 4 days I still had this very empty feeling …a feeling of numbness. a feeling of not knowing what next .. but each time I enter his place .. there is such an amazing energy the greets me … its very warm, at times aggressive, full of joy and full of high spirits . What ever the form may be .. the energy totally rejuvenates me and takes me on a complete high empowering me to face life as it comes.
It’s amazing but today inspite of thinking; that it would be difficult for me to stay for long …I was there for 3 hrs. It was like a BIG Birthday Party only of a different kind.
To begin with Bal Gopal looked really cute and happy in his new carved wooden alter.. well decorated with beautiful flowers and lights. Prasad had dressed the little Gopal in very pretty bright clothes.
In a while the room kept filling up with more and more guest … soon Prasad asked us to sing along with Mr. Krishna Das’s new Cd of Chants ( All is one )…it was amazing .. and a feeling of a high had begun to set in . Just then we were joined by a team of young singers from Hare Rama Hare Krishna temple …they explained a few sholoka and certain concepts which were totally new to me. Like he explained what Govind meant … ‘Go’ means Senses …Govind means “ Controller of all senses” and Krishna means ‘All Attractive’ .
Many such facts were shared. Soon he started to chant bhajans and general chants and there was an unbelievable energy in the room … this energy just made each one just get up and start to dance..
There were people raising their hands up in the air and jumping as they shouted aloud Krishna chants. The sound of the manjiras, drums and the musical instruments just extenuated the ambiance. Soon I saw myself wanting to start jumping and dancing as though the energy in the room was contagious. It’s a feeling I have never experienced before ….I also experienced my hands and arms trembling with a strong flow of universal energy …
It just made me very very happy and in bliss…Though I had to leave for office I just couldn’t move out of the place .. it was as though something was asking me to stay back and just enjoy …when ever a slight worry full thought of what would my bosses or clients say on my disappearing act for 3 hrs arrived in my mind all I could hear was “ Don’t worry Krishna will take care of it”
There is much more that I experienced and saw.. Like the Joy on each face, every one in total bliss, wonderful fulfilling smiles, a bhog of prasad bought by various people ..( there was a variety of 30 -40 things ), the singing, dancing, jumping, peace , bliss, joy , happiness. It was almost like another world …
I too felt my emptiness being filled by a strong faith that kept telling me .. don’t worry Krishna will take care of u …just be aware and let every feeling be the way it is .. Experience the moments as they come and just enjoy the freedom …
Thank you Krishna and The Universe for reinforcing my faith in you each time I seem to get shaky or feel empty and empowering me to face life with a smile.
Happy Birthday once again Dearest Bal Gopal …Love you always !
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