Beautiful words from an Angel !

An oyster opens his mouth to swallow one drop.Now there’s a pearl.
A vagrant wanders empty ruins.Suddenly he’s wealthy.
But don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth,
without complicated explanation,so everyone will understand the passage,
we have opened you
....Lines of the great sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi:
These beautiful lines came to me from Sundaram as a mail this morning ( AKKA Stefan, my German friend and Angel who I met at Reiki Intensive in Goa ). Sundram has a soul stirring voice and sings Indian chants of all Gods and Godesses...His voice is part of my life .. and his chants ring in my ears through the day ...The beauty with which he sings the chants almost makes me want to believe that every God he calls out would be by his side that very instant ... may be to just hear his beautiful voice ...
The the above lines seem to come as a message when I was looking for certain answers to a situation I was unsure of...They have given me HOPE and FAITH ...
It conveys to me that I need to TRUST the universe and my own judgments, TAKE my own little STEPS that the heart guides.. falter may be ...but LEARN from it and Keep On Keeping on ....
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