
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Surrender, Trust and Unconditional Acceptance ...

On the 13th Jan 2007, that is last weekend I began with Leadership Training Program (LTP) with my teacher,Prasad. I think it is the best stand I have taken for ‘MYSELF’ ever.

As part of the 10th month program I had to make a choice of a 2nd sharing partner for the program period. Out of the 37 participants there were 4-5 people I knew quite well and have worked with them and rest 5-7 people I have known from the Reiki intensive in Goa …now it was a choice I needed to make that would surely bind me for the next 10months to begin with..I has lots of thoughts in my mind immediately …Who should it be?

From the above mentioned people there were some I thought I should chose from using some vague logic that is and 1-2 who expectantly looked at me as if they were keen to have me as their sharing partner. I found myself so confused … just then a thought came to me …”What is that U really want ?”,

Not that it helped much. However I spontaneously decided to close my eyes and ask the universe …And I just did that …closed my eyes and asked “Who is the one that I should choose from all these people I know ?’.

What I heard there after was very surprising. I heard a name of a person from the group whom I had just met a day before and didn’t share more than a few words…Inspite of being a stranger at that moment it just felt RIGHT! I decided to go with the flow and see what lies ahead for us …I gathered the courage to ask him if he would accept me as his sharing partner and the I got the most prompt, non hesitant ‘YES’. It was just an awesome feeling to receive that Unconditional Acceptance.

While I am thankful to my partner for that ‘Unconditional acceptance’ I felt in total ‘SURRENDER’ and ‘TRUST’. Only time will tell why I chose him as my partner but for some reason I don’t find myself fighting any fears in Surrender and trust.

I have been thinking about it ever since and every time a situation or a thought or fear has arisen in my mind there after about making the right decision or finding the right partner for myself this incident is ringing in my head …and the strong words ‘Surrender’, ‘Trust’ and ‘Unconditional Acceptance’ is acting as my guard against all fears..

Lets see where this takes me and what doors it shall OPEN for me that perhaphs I have blocked for myself in the last many years.


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