
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Achee Breaky Heart ...

This is a beautiful clip from the film "The Holiday" where Iris (Kate Winslet ) describes her feeling and thoughts associated to a heart break. I think it's beautiful and true what she describes and almost feels like way i too have felt at some point in my life.

Often we look for other people in our life to make us feel worthwhile and loved. Truth surely seems that we need to feel worthwhile ourselves at 1st.

Love ourselves !

It's strange how difficult we find doing that is and yet wonder why we are not loved by the other. We belittle and blame ourselves for not being loved or for people who walk out of our lives. Only if we loved ourselves enuff we would of have been able to see beyond our blinkers of how unfortunate or coward were they to step away and how it was their loss for not being part of our lives.

I know the day i can solve this irony of life, it will open alot of doors for me. Life has been kind though even now and opened this little window of realization atleast. Let's see which door over looks from this little window and i hope that some day soon i reach the door and it miraculously opens up to me a whole new world that i never had imagined ...


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