
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love !

Just a simple word yet quite a complex concept. Today being Valentines day I couldn’t stop to think on the subject and pen down what I have learnt or understood of the same in the last 30 years of my life after experiencing various situations and some heartbreaks. Today these experiences surely seem to have taught me a lot.

At 1st when someone mentioned the word LOVE I could think only of romantic relationships. My 1st experience of Love was one sided ( my side that is !!). It was a strange feeling of being with someone who was my best friend, mentor, guide etc …Honestly I never felt the need to give the feeling or the relationship a name for a long time but I was young and vunerable and gave into societies need to define the relationship. In the pressure I gave in somewhere with time lost the relationship. Strangely the Love remained as beautiful memories.

I didn’t understand then what I have recently did from a friend who said “When we say we r in love.. the happiness is about loving someone, not about being loved by someone. Being loved by someone is a bonus that has no bearing on whom and how u love. Most people are miserable in love coz they expect reciprocation . Your trust n faith in ur own love for someone is what ensures they come to u, not ur expectation of their love..”

Its so simple yet beautiful thought isn’t it. It has got me thinking and some how strengthened my faith in the power of my own love.

The other thing I have learnt about love is what yet another friend shared with me from a thought her dying mother left her with. She said “ Don’t chase Love …it will come to you like it came to me” . It’s true the more you chase it the more it seems to run away from you and some day when you least expect it just fills itself in your heart.

Love is always there …we just don’t realize it’s existence and try to look for it in the manner we would like to see it. That’s where we get disillusioned. Like may be for me just being there as a patient listener for a friend in time of need could be my way of expressing my love but may be to her / him it would be the need to constantly call. I think we need to accept and understand each others needs and express our love accordingly so that it gets conveyed.

Love need not have a name or relationship attached to it. But it’s still as meaningful. Love is beyond a physical form. Every person who is the object of your affection always seems perfect no matter what.

Yet another thing i have realized is the importance of 'Loving yourself '. Coz only when you can love yourself will the world feel like loving you. Besides that Loving onself makes life seem beautiful and worth living. It opens many doors that we seem to close for ourself.Can u imagine the lovely feeling of being loved ...specially it's easy when it urself. It's strange but we crave for love in the outside world when we find it most difficult to love ourselves ...How can we expect to be loved when i don't seem to love myself. It's a realization that hit me a year back ...I am glad it did .. it has opened many more doors for myself.

There so much more I am yet to explore and getting an understanding of .With time there is more and more I seem to experience that brings new meanings to the the simple word called LOVE !


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