
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Monday, July 16, 2007

It can't happen to me !

Just a thought …we see people in misery, pain and illness. We sympathize with them and pray for them too but often tell ourselves or rather ‘Fool’ ourselves (sounds like the more appropriate word.) “This can’t happen to me! “.

How little we know about life and how conveniently we try to always pretend to run from the truth of it’s unpredictable nature. And the day the ugly truth shows up we are shocked and look into the other’s eye’s that say “ Sorry for him / her but Thank god that can’t happen to me !”


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear Payal,
Welcome back. To see you updating your blog, facing the pain, blossoming over the conflict, and deciding to be active, rather than passive, is my greatest proof, that what i wrote for you in your testimonial on orkut is gospel truth. May your intensity see you get back to life love and work as soon as possible. You have never been in my prayers and thoughts than during this horrible month. But let us look forward to better things yet to come. God fucks up sometimes it may appear, but maybe we should just keep our faith rather than lose it. You shall overcome, and this too shall pass. Hugs, and much love.


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