
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mystical Ocean

I sit by the ocean in despair looking for answers …
My pain takes over my body, mind and soul

I find the magnificent ocean drawing me towards itself

As I willingly get myself engulfed into the arms of the magical ocean it unveils its magical
healing powers

It shows me its powerful aggressive waves lashing to the shore it tells how they are just on the surface like my fearful thoughts

It takes me to the horizon where I see the depth of its calmness, the calmness I hope to bring into my heart some day as well

I am shown dark clouds wondering over , just like the phase I felt I was in …

Suddenly out of the dark clouds a beam of light gets showered from the heaven above, it almost felt like a healing gift from heaven to take a way my pain and show me the ray of hope

The waves each day seem to invite me to walk up and flow with them …Low tides, high tides and at times just it’s stillness…the ocean changes its course from moment to moment telling me to experience the same


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