
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Life and Loss !

I have realized that over the years, with my experiences and time the concept of loosing people and things for me has been changing.

It began with the early years where I was totally carefree and people and things in my life came and went away but it didn’t bother me really. ‘Life just moved on…’

Then came a phase where I was introduced to death…I realized how that loss didn’t bring back people forever, that’s when I was introduced truly to the fear of loosing loved ones and things I cherished. However ‘Life just moved on …’

There came a phase where I realized with each loss though painful and no hope of recovery came with a lot of gain, so unanticipated that over time made my loss feel ‘little’. And ‘Life moved on …’

And now I feel so differently about loss yet again. I recently experienced the feeling of having lost something that I though was dear to me …I felt miserable about it and then with the hope the that loss had something better enstore for me tried to move on with life.

Just then in a strange fashion my object of loss appeared in front of me, miraculously. I was excited and yet numb. I didn’t anticipate it would come back. It left me wondering what would life be without it or now that I had it back, what would life be with it around me again. And I know in my heart that it will leave me again some day…

As I found these thoughts about to paralyze my mind I sensed that I found myself wanting to not bother just enjoy the moment yet I seemed detached with the fear of the future. It was as though the fear of loss didnt matter anymore . It’s a strange feeling and I am some how just ok with it being the way it is for the moment.

I know with time and my experiences ‘Loss’ may change it's meaning for me yet again. Like always 'Life will move on yet again '


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