
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Shopping Spree

On Saturday, Meena called me asking me to accompany her for shopping to Bandra. I had no intentions to shop for myself but just felt like window shopping ( I enjoy it once in a while – specially when I have to go to art and craft stores. It great fun. My office and friends know that I am so involved in the same so when ever some one wants to shop and have no idea what to buy or the time they hand over the job and money to me .)

Meena was very clear on the shops that she wanted to visit. We even planned to have lunch at Just around the corner as I was getting cravings to go there. Meena was so clear on what exactly she needed. As we went ‘Shop Hopping’ I funnily realized that Meena didn’t seem to find anything that interested her … if there were some products that he even thought were worth considering it was too big for her size (Meena usually finds the best fits for herself in kids sections of stores … he he he ). Talking od fits and sizes that’s yet another misery when we girls go shopping. Either the things we like are too loose or they just don’t fit DAMN !! Surprisingly me who had no intensions of shopping kept discovering all the stuff to my liking …. I bought t-shirts, sexy top, a attractive Red Kurta and funky accessories too. So much for Meena’s shopping plan …he he he. I teased Meena saying that “May be next time I shall make a plan to go shopping may be then perhaps you may find things you desire….” As we both had a hearty laugh about the same a thought suddenly struck my mind

Isn’t this the same scenario in our life. We usually plan what we want and then desperately try to look for it everywhere. It may be the perfect job, Love, Relationship and happiness in general. The More we think we know what we want , the more it seems to never appear. All that we ever find is ‘Disappointment’. However I realized that at every point in my life where I actually got the most unexpected moments and joys were times when I least expected them or were never looking out for them. Be it ‘Love’ , ‘Happiness’ or ‘the perfect job offer’.

Strangely this small shopping incident made me aware this fact and re-enforced my faith in a quote I had heard of years back …’Happiness is like a butterfly the more you chase it the more it runs away from you. However when u just let things be and quietly sit back it comes unexpectedly and sits on your shoulder’


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