
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Footprints !

1St Oct 2006
This evening we spent almost one hour at the beach again. Just like the morning experience we were all together yet on our own and in silence. Each one doing different things, some playing with the sand, building sand castles, watching waves, chasing them. Jumping n the water. Each one looked like they had unleashed their child within. It was beautiful.

I too had my moments. The one I really enjoyed was on my way back towards the resort. I saw Patrick ( one of my fellow mates) walking ahead of leaving his footprints behind. As I followed the footprints I just got playful and started to walk on each footprint left behind. Soon Patrick realized what I was doing and got playful too. He walked faster at times, criss cross and then in circles….I too tried to catch each footprint but after a while couldn’t keep up and lost them on the way. We both had a big smile on our faces at our little game. Soon I started top walk ahead. Amd realized that Patrick this time began the chase. Now that I knew the game I started to confuse him with the footprints. Suddenly Patrick realized that he couldn’t catch the footprints as they the gentle waves washed them away…I giggled to myself like a little girl at the poor confused Patrick who couldn’t catch many footprints. Thee after we started to walk side by side leaving our footprints behind.
Just then a stranger jogged passed by us leaving behind deep and lasting large impressions of his spiked shoes. Suddenly I found Patrick distracted and trying to jog back over the joggers footprints. At one point he saw the waves just about touching the footprints without erasing them. Patrick suddenly sat down trying to wash away the footprints by channel zing the waves towards the footprints but was bot so successful. We kept walking ahead and eventually lost the large footprints against the other footprints on the sand.

As I watched him I had a big smile on my face and a thought passed my mind. The thought being that in our lives we come across a lot of footprints…

Some of people who we try hard to chase but get so caught up in trying to figure them out that we loose them in the process.

Then come people who come into our day to day life leaving faint impressions. We too don’t bother much and let me watch pass by.

On our journey there tend to be people / loved ones who walk by our side but usually we are so busy taking them for granted that they tend to go ignored. . Though some very special to us stay with us forever.

Then in our journey come the most amazing people. The ones who are complete strangers and just pass us by on our journey …yet are the ones that leave lasting impressions. Though we try hard to wipe these foot prints from our life. Only with time we tend to let go sight of them and they get lost amongst other footprints of our life.


At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi payal i dont why but i really love spending my lunch time with your blog it makes me learn so much in life and gives those relaxion so that i can get charged for work again as long as foot prints is concered it so true you meet so many people each one leaves afootprints


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