
My Blog is an attempt to share,gather,learn from experiences that have touched my soul in some way.It's a new found voice to my thoughts and how I feel about life and everything related to it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The 1st Step !

‘Come to the edge’, He said
‘We can’t, Master we’re scared’.
‘Come to the edge ‘, he said
‘We can’t, Master, we’re scared’.
‘Come to the edge’, he said
They came
He pushed them …
They flew.
Freedom is our destiny.
Yet we fear taking the very step which will carry us into the greatness which is our own true nature.

I came across this beautiful apt passage from Brandon bays amazing book ‘The Journey’ just when I have been thinking on this subject for a while.

The 1st step …isn’t it the most difficult yet the same step can take us places we couldn’t have imagined. It can open a whole new world before us. The one we always dream of exploring yet tend to dread taking that very 1st step. I too for years dreaded that very 1st step.I would try to take a step ahead and found myself taking two backwards. Lived in the misery yet didn’t think I had the courage to take the step …Fear of the unknown I guess that pulled me back time and again. It’s funny how we are comfortable with our misery, it’s atleast a known area, a comfort zone of sorts.I was lucky however to be chosen by a Teacher who pushed me to that edge and yes now I feel I have I have learnt to take the flight.It was beautiful journey I am on.Yes at the moment it’s bumpy flight but as I find myself fly ahead flapping my wings with joy. I find myself enjoying a new found freedom. It takes a lot of trust and surrender and that hasn’t been easy either. However this new found freedom is amazing …Freedom from my misery, my painful past, my bottled up anger. Freedom from judgments of of people about me and my own judgments about them. Freedom from pain that others caused me and the pain I caused myself by bearing it for no reason. Freedom from the baseless noisy chatter to a beautiful silence I have begun to experience and enjoying in this moment.

Yes I donot know where this new journey I have embarked upon shall take me. Yet this very 1st step that I took for myself urges me to trust it and seems to promise me a beautiful journey never experienced before.
I too from this experience urge you to trust yourself, the universe or divine intervention and take the this BIG leap with faith, trust and surrender. This one 1st step I assure you will take you miles ahead to a beautiful life you have always dreamt of and always so desired.

Courage !

‘Courage has power, genius and magic’. Just this one line from my master has taken me a long way and still continues to guide me further through this toughest phase of my life at this moment.

However, I have been realizing the importance of courage. I took it for granted all my life. When people came up to me and said they admired my courage in all the tough situations I faced in my life. I wondered what they were taking about. “ How else do people come out of situations and move ahead in life …what’s so great about what I displayed ?” But off late I have had eye openers …of situations where people run away from life, relationships and situation due to lack of courage . It’s been shocking to hear these stories. Specially cases,where people are faced with tough situations like a critical illness, prolonged treatments, depressions of menopause and post pregnancies.

I understand now that courage is not just required from an individual but the entire family specially when faced by situations that need a lot of patience. Else they fall apart. I have been appalled by people I hear stories of.

A father backed out because his 16 year old was diagnosed of brain tumor and is under tremendous treatment last 3 years. He has not only not contributed financially to the treatment, lost all contacts with the family and has asking his wife for a divorce. The courageous lady and her son are fighting this battle all by them self. Hatt’s off to them !

Heard of a yet another couple fighting cancer. The lady comes from a pampered family and hasn’t seem to have face tough situations yet. She wants to split from her cancer patient husband as she cannot cope with emotional stress of his illness has brought about in their life …Scary ain’t it. Are these kind of relationships that we find in today’s day and age!

A dear friends wife went frenzy after a post pregnancy depression and has demanded a split from her marriage on grounds of we were never compatible after being in relationship for 6 yrs. Makes me wonder what all can go wrong in relationships?

Why is courage so difficult.? Why do we loose hope and shatter so easily in tough times? Why can’t we accept that their sure will be light at the end of the dark tunnel ? Why can’t we always believe that there is a divine intervention that has the perfect plan for us only if we let it revel it to us and believe in it …

I know it’s really tough. I often find myself struggling with tough situations that do tend to break down my hope, shakes up my faith and makes me very angry with the divine sources up there. However last one year of my life I have finally begun to see that ray of light at the end of the darkest tunnel of my life.I have been fortunate and blessed with the best Master I could ever have had. He has not only stood by me, pushed me to the wall and finally taught me to come out of my misery and self pity. He has showed me to look beyond the darkness that seemed to never end. I am also blessed with a most bravest Mom and an amazing younger sister who have stood by me like the strongest pillar of strength I could ever have. I do go weak or get scattered and tried of fighting my current battle against my illness. Yet my master, my family, y best friends and my lovely reiki family encourage me all the time and ensure hey don’t let me give up on my inner strength. And surely I do Believe COURAGE has POWER, GENIUS and MAGIC.

Beyond the Break !

25th September 2007

What lies beyond the break I what I wondered
New Beginnings …
A renewed passion for life …
Reveal of new dreams ad new ways to fulfill them…
Miracles galore, unconditional love showers…
Higher height to achieve…
Fun and adventurous flights to take off on…
Explore deeper depths that life has to offer …
The best gift though is the awareness of how to go beyond is just by being in the ‘Here and Now’ and taking each step forward as a blessing to go Beyond the break !

The Warrior !

12th September 2007

I woke up this morning finding myself in a battlefield
I looked at myself, I resembled a wounded warrior
My body was bruised and weak, my wounds were bleeding, my spirit was almost dying
I could barely open my eyes. I looked around and tried to recognize myself
Who am I?
Why was I there?
What was my purpose?
I desperately looked for guidance and seeked answers to my questions
Just then I heard a voice from nowhere.
You have fought many battles. Won some and lost a few too.
You have an undying spirit in you that keeps you going
You purpose to achieve victory and you are focused on it”
“What was I doing in this battle field ?” I asked restlessly
“ This is the biggest battle you have ever fought and perhaps the last one that you may ever.
You are half way towards victory, it’s half the battle won.”
“ But I am weak, wounded and my spirit is almost dying …how then shall I reach victory this time”
“ YOU ARE A GOOD WARRIOR , Warriors never give up and neither will you. Gather your dying spirit and remind yourself of all the battles won and VICTORY is ur’s for sure yet again”

I would like to dedicate this post to my dearest friend Shushma who a few months back showed me this picture of the warrior in me. Each time I find my spirit dying I remind myself of ‘The Warrior’ and I find myself gaining my strength and nearing victory yet again. Thanks Shushma with friends like you VICTORY is mine for sure.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Beautiful Jigsaw !

There was once a little girl who was gifted a large beautiful Jigsaw puzzle. The picture on the jigsaw was beautiful. She was told it depicted her life. Though at that moment other than it’s beauty nothing made sense to the little girl. She all happy and content with her new gift began to walk back the pathway to her home.

As she walked in her playfulness she happened to drop the Jigsaw puzzle. Each piece of the jigsaw scattered all over. The little girl broke down and cried as she tried to gather back the scattered pieces. She barely could gather a few.

What had remained in her memory was the beautiful picture she has seen. Each day of her growing up as she walked on her pathway she tried to look for the missing pieces.

Her strong will to build and understand the beautiful picture made the universe help her slowly gather back each piece slowly but surely in the most amazing way.

The process of this search was tough, tiring and painful at times. But seeing her persistence and strong will the universe kept sending her just the right signals, messages, the right people and the right time. That kept making the task comforting.

Today the young girl has managed to gather back a lot of pieces. Now she is beginning to see the beautiful picture form again. It is beginning to make sense…the beauty of the picture, the missing pieces, and the need for her search. Her quest is still on ..though over the years it has build her patience, understanding and trust. She has a purpose to pursue …She ain’t going to give up and she now believes strongly that some day soon she will gather all the pieces back and see the beautiful picture again.