Thursday, December 28, 2006
The Power of HUGs !
A Hug is a natural phenomenon …every child has had his share of hugs and pampering . Yet as we grow up we find it more and more difficult to accept how it is the most comforting, healing and a means to display LOVE (By love here I mean Unconditional Love and not sheer Love between 2 individuals )
For some strange reason HUGS weren’t part of my growing up years …I mean a nice warm tight hug ... Hugs that I experienced amongst my family and friends were sort of what they call the “ Social butterfly hug” more superficial just a indication of affection towards the person.
Infact Ritu Mami one of my most affectionate mami’s use give every person in the family a warm hug …the family members use to get a bit perturbed. And she would proudly say “ Humare Kanpur ka to yahi style hai”
A few years back Yashi aunty ( My angel ) introduced the concept of Loving hugs to our family …it was slow process .. but I kind of enjoyed the feel of it. I remember every time I got a warm hug from aunty I felt so much unconditional love …though at that point I still didn’t understand the meaning of unconditional love … As years passed yet another person who came into my life gave me a new dimension for the same simple hug …Security and warmth . Then came the movie Munna Bhai who propagated the Jaadu ki Jappi . I found it a beautiful concept …but there was more to it that I needed to experience I guess.
Untill my Reiki Intensive Work shop at Goa this Oct where I was introduced to yet another perspective to a hug Healing . Yes Hugs are Healing. I remember the 1st 3 days that I hugged my reiki family members ( who then were complete strangers ) I would break down. I have have no clue why but the unconditional love in each hug just seem to touch a emotional wound or a void in my life …each touch at 1st induced pain and then healed it so soothingly …It was a great feeling and very very healing.
I experienced immense love, affection, security, pampering and healing touch with each hug. Almost compensated for all those years that I had missed it. I wondered why ...I guess coz I had created a guard around me after Papa’s death. But I truly believe what goes away always comes back …may be in other forms.
Last nite, I reached my Reiki family members b’day party …very late. They were all dancing away to glory and sweaty …The moment they saw me enter the whole group just surrounded me and gave me a sweaty group hug …Ewww, was the 1st thought that passed my mind the 1st moment but then as I realized the affection with which the hugs were showered on me I felt so loved and pampered. Even that sweaty hugs felt so loving anf good !
I am so glad I got re introduced to The Power of Hugs ! It had surely changed my life and filled it with Unconditional love. It’s amazing how these little things in life can make us feel so loved. I have precribed myself with atlest 20 hugs a week ...and it surely makes me feel very alive and healthy ..HE HE HE
Happy HUGGING ...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
What's the real Question ? Acceptance,is it ?
I am a bit upset … I guess quite disturbed. On a quest for some more answers,yet again….
The question here is about Acceptance…
I have been, last few years noticing that a lot of NEW close friends/ relationships I have been meeting and getting to know are not comfortable to accept me just the way I am. It’s strange for me coz most friendships I have had in my life have been for 15 years and above. Over the years these friends have accepted me for who I am, what I have been through, they have had their point of views on my behavior, but it was conveyed with lot of love and patience.. I guess we have grown up together understanding and learning from our interactions and experiences over the years.
However my new friends,they have very strong opinions or views about life and how they like it …They also have strong views on what they dislike about me, and they have without any hesitation confronted me on the same. The good part is I too have been open and accepting their criticism…strangely for a person like me not been too reactive about the feedback. Though, it has upset me. Been very patient, silent and contemplating what I have been told. Trying to look for the truth.
However I am amazed at the strong reactions and the tone that these friends have been using … all the things I thought about me that were likeable seem to suffocate them. They choose to behave in different strong ways so that I get their point of view.
I too have been silent …open to things at times but yes very quite. May be coz I am in a contemplating and am in a self analysis mode. However I have started to feel that they perhaps have been misunderstanding my silence and patience as my weakness which has begun to bother me now.
What is bothering me really, various things …
1)Why have they been so stern and reactive to me? Almost like they are here to teach me a lesson !
Can I not understand the language of love … I sure can.. at least try once..
2)Why can’t they accept me for what I am and lovingly share what they feel about me?
I am wiling to accept their views and improve on my negatives…are they willing to hear mine?
3)Why don’t they realize that they aren’t perfect either and may be there are things about them I dislike too ?
However I do accept them coz I feel there is more to our friendship and relationship that I wish to discover and just suppressing the other doesn’t give me that opportunity…
4)Why don’t they realize that we are part of each others lives for a reason ?
The reason being, we are here together to learn and grow into beautiful individuals
But then again I think if there is this situation showing up time and again it’s here to give me a message as I know that “The outer world is always a reflection of our inner world.”
So is the real issue their acceptance of me or me accepting myself...?
I am leaving this post with a lot confused thoughts at the moment …However I know that I am aware of my situation and surely this declaration to the universe shall lead people or answers to me soon.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Life takes a full circle …
Had it not been that one little step, continuous persuasion, love and warmth 11 years back by my Angel …I could have never been what I am today . Would have been so shattered and completely a wreck I guess. Then on second thoughts may be not coz God does find a way to reach out to us, wipe our tears, heal our pain and make us stronger and shower us with Love we truly deserve.
Today I too took one such step to bring back a true smile, shower abundance of love and heal a soul in pain.
Ms. G, the most loving and caring girl of our office who had lost her husband early this year… Ms. G hasn’t had the time to grieve …her mother is a heart patient and thus crying at home would cause her mother harm and rest of the day she spends in office keeping herself so busy that she perhaps doesn’t even remember she is still hurting.
Exactly the state I was for 5 years of my life …fighting responsibilities, drowning myself in work. just an escape so that I could suppress my pain...I didnt even realise what i was doing untill one day I had a break down and how ...As Prasad says " Your biggest Break down is the time for your biggest Break Throughs"...There began my journey of transformation.
I see her doing the same that i did ...Run Away .. as far as you can and till you can from your situation…can so relate to her. But She is a Brave Girl …I guess I was too . As rightly said "Fortune Favors The Brave "
I gifted her a Reiki I session with my master magician Prasad as a Christmas gift …just a small step to lead her to towards an Angel who I know will help her release, grieve and bring unbelievable miracles in her life. I have complete faith that Universe will take care and bring her all the goodness she deserves . This little step of mine makes me feel very very Happy and gives me a feeling that truly .. Life takes a full circle …
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
End of a Journey !!
Here comes a journey to it’s end today, only to embark me on another journey that lies ahead ...
The path is new, the quest seems the same, the stakes exist yet again…
Where the new journey shall take me this time is a mystery yet …
Though my heart urges me to keep walking with faith in myself and let the universe unfold what it has in store for me …
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I Surrender …I Surrender …

This weekend I decided to pep myself up as I have been quite unwell for the last 4 weeks ,almost out of action and feeling very low …Visiting Rachna always helps when I need to boost my spirits. Rachana is this good friend of mine who runs a beauty parlor. We have known each other last almost 8 years …it was at a photoshoot that we met where she had come to assist her mother who is a leading hair stylist. We just clicked and it’s been 8 yrs since…
Rachna is great hairstylist. Over the years, she has been constantly learning hair styling and grown in her field. She is a beautiful person too ...a strong young girl who has shouldered alot of responsiblites that life brought forth and yet the most positive, bubbly and cheerful person i have ever met. This beautiful and positive persona of her's always rubs off on me when i am around her. I guess this amazing personality and her great hair styling is the reason i don't remember going to any other stylist for a hair cut and styling in the last 8 years.
This visit again as always I just went to her and said “ Just make me look Hot and Happening as usual” he he he …And she got to her job. We kept chatting as she worked on my hair and I was telling her how I totally trusted her when it came to my hair ..
Just then a thought struck me and amazed me …that is, in the last 8 years I have just gone to her and surrendered with the faith that she is the Hair Expert and she knows what’s best for me …this complete faith and understanding has always had an outcome of me loving my hair and the look she decides for me each time ( even though the look may be not what I had planned or could have ever imagined I would be able to carry off) and not to forget getting showered with compliments from every one there after.I wondered, in the similar manner only if I could surrender my life with complete faith on the Universe (The EXPERT !!) for every little thing wouldn’t life be so easy and beautiful … I guess this little realization is just the 1st step and may open many more doors to offer a miraculously beautiful life I truly deserve…
Surrendering reminds me of Prasad’s little song that he had taught us at The Reiki Intensive in Goa .. it's been on my mind and I have been humming it ever since …
I Surrender
I Surrender
I Surrender to LOVE
I Surrender
I Surrender
I Surrender to LIFE …
Friday, December 08, 2006
Tell me why ?
Why does standing by what you believe in, typecast you ?
Why is being true to your reality put u on a tough track on the so called real world?
Why is being shallow and superficial earns its acceptance and accolades?
Why is being nice to people around gets treated as your weakness?
Why is commitment to life, your values, relationships and yourself make you seem old fashioned?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Suffocation in this so called Man's World !
Why this angst …
Why this constant struggle….
Why the need to fight and get my simple needs fulfilled …
Why this need time again to prove my identity …
Why this disappointment for being cheated …
Why this instant alienation and scrutiny from the society for every small mistake I make…
Why the piercing eyes that follow my every move …
Why this need to break me down every time I try to rise above my limits…
No I don’t have any regret in being partner to the so called superior Man
It’s just an unfair price one has to pay to live in the so called Man’s world …
Makes me wonder time and again if the almighty had ever thought what ‘The Man’ would do to the partner he created to compliment, nurture and stand by him …